Engineering indel and substitution variants of diverse and ancient enzymes using GRASP ML for protein engineering seminar series 1:03:40 2 years ago 717 Далее Скачать
Therapeutic enzyme engineering using a generative neural network Boston Protein Design and Modeling Club 1:18:46 2 years ago 1 503 Далее Скачать
Scientists explain! "Resurrecting the past - What ancient proteins can teach us about evolution" Max Planck Chemical Ecology 29:40 Streamed 3 years ago 333 Далее Скачать
Enzyme identification, enzyme screening & engineering for novel industrial enzymes | Derek Quinn Twist Bioscience 50:37 4 years ago 997 Далее Скачать
Using Ancestral Sequence Reconstruction to... - Kristina Heyn - Non-COSI Areas - ISMB/ECCB 2017 ISCB 11:03 4 years ago 109 Далее Скачать
Multi-segment preserving sampling for deep manifold sampler ML for protein engineering seminar series 1:00:38 2 years ago 477 Далее Скачать
FireProt: A Webserver for Fully Automated Ancestral Sequence Reconstruction; Musil et al (2021) Ted B 3:16 1 year ago 105 Далее Скачать
An Experimental Phylogeny to Benchmark Ancestral Sequence Reconstruction by Randall et. al. 2016 Woldring Lab 3:02 1 year ago 141 Далее Скачать
The evolution of carbon fixation: Studying Form I Rubisco using ancestral sequence reconstruction... Labroots 49:11 2 years ago 626 Далее Скачать
Maria Laura Mascotti – Ancestral sequence reconstruction of cofactor-dependent enzymes Narayan Lab, University of Michigan 26:56 3 years ago 512 Далее Скачать
How to create a genetic element or construct Thermo Fisher Scientific 2:14 12 years ago 7 464 Далее Скачать
Gene synthesis technology and applications update Integrated DNA Technologies (IDT) 56:22 8 years ago 2 898 Далее Скачать
ML+X Seminar: Prof. Ellington - ApBio: Teaching Machines Biochemistry IFML 1:03:53 3 years ago 120 Далее Скачать
Fully Automated Ancestral Sequence Reconstruction using FireProtASR CurrentProtocols 3:55 2 years ago 672 Далее Скачать